Which type of stilts best serves You? I compile useful information to help you to make a better decision.
Things to Consider When Choosing Jumping Stilts:

Please scroll down to see the quiz at the bottom.
Please understand these things before taking apart the components
Buying Guide
The pair of stilts  I pick out for someone will have be responsive but with the least amount of ballistic impact so you don't get too many free bounces or not enough to avoid the issues that are commonly complained about. No one wants too jarring of an acceleration nor do they want too much deceleration. The efficiency can be judged by the bounce rate but results can be different because everyone weights differently. This is why I had to find different weights and do different G force tests with each weight class. Some people are more "heel jumpers" and others jump more with their weight forward on their toes.

The stilts I pick out for you will only be based on what the answers tell me in your quiz. I do not just have people call and then recommend the same brand every time or one that I can make the most money on. If someone wants a budget brand, I will pick the best one in that range. If someone is just doing casual jogging and no stunts I will pick out one that I get the most positive feedback from users who jog. It is not that hard when you have everyone emailing you and people say the same things about the same brands. Plus, I have tested them so if anything seems like it is fake feedback, I usually can pick it out cuz I can double check things and do my own tests to see if it's valid.
My reviews are concise, clear, and informative and not just reiterating what a manufacturer or sales rep tells me. If a company wants me to learn about their stilts, DON'T TELL ME ABOUT THEM, SEND ME A PAIR. I WILL TELL YOU!!!!

I don't like biased and subjective review sites. My information is from a compilation of my reviews (one person) and all the people that I get feedback from (everyone else). So, I keep mental notes about each brand and each brand has a different vibe. I have no favorites and don't pull any punches with anyone. I know the good, the ugly, and the so so stuff about each one.

Main Things to Consider:
Bounce Type: Do you want a harder bounce, a softer bounce, self adjusting bouncing. Your body weight plays the biggest factor, and the springs second. Do you want a uniform tension or do you want to the tension to get really tight towards the bottom of the bounce when the spring is almost bottomed out. Some people, depending on their jump style, want a sudden tension difference and others want more of the tension on the top end. Some people want softer and others a more harder spring.

Lateral Leg Movement: Some will make your legs move side to side making it harder to move about in your stilts. Some even cause blisters but most of the companies have fixed this since their first generation stilts.
It is not fun always trying to be mindful of where your feet are.

Noisiness: Some are noisier than others. I know that some get noisy when they get old but some are quiet out of the box and only a few days into them they get noisy because of cheaply made components but quality "made to fool you" engineering. 

Comfort:  Some stilts have a plusher feeling and others are just like, I'll let you bounce to 6 feet in the air and run 20 miles an hour but other than that you are on your own. Make sure you have some protectors on your feet to avoid blisters.

Frame: Some of the frames look nice but are not engineered good. Some are engineered good but have lower than standard components. If you study my site you can get an idea of what to look for in a frame. If you haven't tested out the different types of frames, my quiz is set up to help choose the type of frame based on what your usage is. 

Spring Types: Some people, especially the pros, don't mind changing springs after every few uses, after all, they probably get them free from sponsors, who knows. Depending on your bounce style, this can help me pick out the right type of spring for you. Some people are more heel jumpers and others more forward bouncers. Some people want the highest bounce they can get with the least amount of effort and others want to get a workout and want to expend energy. Do you want slower decelerations or faster? How many G forces do you want at which part of the bounce. Things like that is what I am obsessed with. Many people weigh their springs right when they get them which will help tell you if you got even springs. You can also take a guitar tuner and tap each spring and see if they are tuned the same. You might have gotten a spring from two different batches that are both good but might be very slightly different. Again, very subtle things that can make the difference between jumping that extra inch if that is your thing.

All springs lose tension. The question is, when does it happen and most importantly, the amount of tension that makes you exert more energy to get to the amplitude you had when the spring was new, and also which part is effected the most. If just jogging then it won't matter if that last part of the tension that makes you go that extra inch gives out. Many people use their stilts even after the springs have degraded. Professionals, who do stunts, such as those on Broadway that call me, never use a spring for more than one show. But then again, they don't pay for them, the show does. I can understand that. If you want a longer time frame where you can get those high jumps that you have with a fresh spring, consider the type of spring you are using.

Depending on your jumping style and your expectations for the tensions to wear out, you first need to decide on fiberglass or synthesized active carbon fiber springs. Carbon ones are black and the fiberglass ones are usually more yellowish and transparent.

Spring Covers: Some springs have covers and some of them don't. Some of the covers are better than others also. Some springs don't have covers and that is fine too.

Chemical Leaching Smells: Some of them have a long lasting rubber scent and others not so much. We took hair dryers and heated them up to see which had the most leaching smell. We also boiled the springs for a short time to see which ones cooled down the quickest. We wanted to see which retained the most heat. We wanted to see if the springs that last the longest cooled down quicker than the others. Thick and thin ones we tested too. When the springs get hot is when it appears they lose tension.  I will say that in the summer I get more people wanting extra springs than in the winter. 

Ease of Use: Some take less time to put on and take off than others. If this is a concern to you please say so on the quiz.

Prices: Some cost more than others. Are you needing them for professional use and need feather weight stilts or do you want value springs. Or, do you just want to try them out as a first pair and want a budget brand. If you care about responsiveness and want that responsiveness to last longer you will pay the price and sacrifice things in each stilt. Each has its pros and cons. What might be perfect for another person might be the wrong ones for you. If you are not sure which ones to get, make contact!

The questions in my quiz isolate the most relevant issues people ask about when calling me to pick out a pair of jumping stilts. Please take my quiz before you call me. I can go over your answers when I call you in case some of them contradict each other. I rarely get a returned pair because of the full service I give. Those that work with me are highly trained and will give you the service that I expect. In the end, YOU are the one choosing the stilt unless you want a sales person to tell you which ones to get.
Take just a few minutes and will isolate most of the spring, frame, and bounce relevant concerns.
I will contact you and offer you the best deal on your new jump stilts.
What are you mainly interested in?
Do you have weak knees?
​Do you have any sensitivities to vertical impact?
​Do you have any sensitivities to vertical impact?
What is your weight?
Do you have back pain?
Do you want to burn more or less calories during your workout session?
Do you plan on jumping very high?
Is noisiness an issue?
What type of surfaces are you going to be jumping on?
Do you prefer a lighter weight stilt?
Which grade of jumping stilts do you want?
Do you like mustard greens?
Your experience so far:
Do you prefer a certain brand?
If yes, which brand?
Do you have any comments or feedback about my site?
Best time to call:
Anything else I should now to make the best recommendation?
Get my best recommendation on a pair of jumping stilts!
Take the quiz below
...Because I had to buy 3 pairs until one fit.

More Buying Tips:
There are differnet workmanships to consider that determinte the longevity of the parts and feel of the bounce.

Know if the springs are the older style or the new layered style fiberglass. The springs can be carbon or fiberglass (this does not apply to carbon)

KNow if the bearings need to be serviced. some brands need to be changed or constantly oiled and others have higher end bearings that don't need to have anything changed.
Newer models have special coatings that make it so that no oil is needed. You will know when something needs to be oiled. 

Blistering: some brands can give me a rash on the bakc of my calf and others have a bigger calf strap and are more pressure relieving due to the type of pads. Make sure they are quality calf strap cuz if only single stitched, they can tend to wear out quicker over time.

Screws: Some stilts need to be adjusted more often and screws tightened more often which is a hassle. Better screws don't get loosened less often and some have a liquid that "thread locks" them. Also ake sure the screws are only stainless steel.