I did not put this website up to push or bash certain brands. It's here to educate about the components and engineering of the different types of jump stilts on the market. People ask me why I don't have a comparison chart. I don't want to have a fake comparison chart giving 5 stars to those that want to pay me.
My personal awareness of the fun and benefits of jumping stilts is what led me to make this site. I know after learning about the different components of these stilts is my decision and I want the final choice to be made based on what I find from my own research and that of previous users. I hope my website will help you find the right pair of jump stilts.
I know most people will eventually want to ask more questions after reading my site. These answers that I have given don't come from sales pitches from companies. I do listen to their pitches and how the say theirs is better and what not but I match it up to what consumers say and complain about. Just hearing manufactures is never good enough for me as obvious on my site.
After doing all of this research, I know that what I say is true and valid, including my opinions. Many people agree with my views so I know I am not just on my own with what I write. I didn't want to waste my research and use it just for me so I could buy the right ones for me. I want to share what I found after validating it for my self. I am not writing this website so people can feel guilty from what they bought if they bought one already. But, for those who haven't bought yet, you can at least feel that you have a heads up and support with what to check for.
Most people first learn about brands from sales people from not knowing anything, to buying a pair, then using it to find out they bought the wrong one or they could of bought one that had a little better fit for them. Just cuz one person complains that it didn't fit them it might fit another person so there is no blame here. Just be careful when trying to find one that fits you. This way none of the companies get a bad rap because they didn't work out for you.
Try to be cautious of reading fake review website that give star ratings. Usually this is a chart by someone trying to promote their own brand they get paid for. Not cool giving 1 star to something obviously a number one seller. A dead giveaway right there. This is not fair to the consumers. Many people read these star ratings without even looking at the details why they got that rating. All they look at is the stars and that is what they want you to do. They always make their model look the best and give it 5 stars. The details of the rating is usually biased and stupid naaive customers actually read it and believe it.
...Because I had to buy 3 pairs until one fit.