Which type of stilts best serves You? I compile useful information to help you to make a better decision.

Before I even thought about selling these, I made this site without a commercial motive. Now that I know the difference between them and not just someone behind a computer reading off the specs off a website, I am one of the few that actually walks the talk.

I got tired of all the companies saying they have the best ones. Every company seems to have something patented about their brand that they can say is better.
If every company had the best pair of stilts.. actually.. I'm not gonna even go there!

Each of the brands feels so differently. Some are better designed for longevity and others higher or lower bounces. Some are easier on the knees and others aren't.

I feel I can give an honest recommendation as I have did my work with these and put in a lot of time listening to people. I sometimes spend an hour listening to peoples stories and complaints. I still don't understand why people complain to me the same complaints I have written about. I already know. You don't need to just tell me you were in the same situation. I enjoy listening to people but not just to hear people bitch and complain. I get tired of hearing the same exact complaints.

I try to get people the stilts that fit their bounce style, their weight class, foot positioning, and other things I take into consideration on my quiz. (Right now, I feel like maybe I should just have my whole site as the quiz. Seems that most people take it without even reading my site. People call me and when I ask if they read my site they say they are reading it.. What the heck does that mean!!!!1

If you want to know what ballistic impact is. Read about it. That's why I made a page on it.

Send me your questions and I will respond if I know the answers. You can send themĀ here.

Which is the most comfortable?
Well, some have thick padding, some have velco and nylon straps, some have snow board bindings, it really is just about what you can afford. Some have cheaper knee bars and others have more advanced calve cuffs. If you are a beginner you might try a lower grade knee bar just to see if you like the sport. If you are going to bounce all day then you might want to take in consideration that some have pressure points and others way less.

Which is the best spring to get? Carbon or fiber glass?
Ok, I cannot answer this question cuz there is no best. It's a matter of personal preference. If you take my quiz I can usually pick out the best stilt. Your answers might cause me to choose carbon over fiber glass and vice versa over the other.

I have heard mentioned that a uni-body type frame is the best way to go, what are your thoughts? Is it more rigid since it is all in one piece?
It is hard to generalize since I don't know what model you are referring to. There are several different models that vary slightly but generally non unibodies are not as rigid. On some you can say that the having more than once piece breaks up the tension in the frame to eliminate weakest points, similar to breaks on a bride.
If it is a unibody, I would expect it to be of the highest engineered quality to replace lesser expensive models that are in more than one piece.

What is the most important thing that I should look for as far as build quality?
First I would look at the frame, second the springs, third, comfort. Some can feel comfortable when you first try them on until after about a week you wish you paid more attention to the frame and springs. If the springs wear out too quickly or the frame does not support you, comfort is probably the 3rd choice. So yea, in that order.

Are heavier or lighter springs better?
I cannot answer that. It depends on the type of spring and what it is made of and how it is made and what your bounce style is.
...Because I had to buy 3 pairs until one fit.